It’s been absolute mayhem in my life as of late, what with the wedding only a few short weeks away.

Which I’ve learned, is just the right amount of time for CRAZY to step in and call shotgun in the passenger seat.  What I realize is that through the midst of the chaos I can always ALWAYS count on these special ladies to get me through those tough times.

Because friendship and love is unconditional…Not just through the holidays but every single day of the year my loves….

 Through good times and bad, my ride-or-die chicks have been by my side nurturing me (and le fiancé lol) through it ALL!

There’s something so sacred about the unspoken bond when you simply just “get” each other…One that you cherish, hold so near and dear to your heart…
 Because when all else fails and the world just seems to be falling apart, here they are, ready, willing, and able to pick up the pieces.
 Without fail, without falter, and most importantly without a single need for acknowledgement or praise. THAT, to me is true friendship and sisterhood.

LOVE THESE GIRLS so much I could scream!!!  And cry…and rejoice in the gosh dang fact that drama is only what YOU make of it…

So with only 23 short days away until WEDDING TIME Eeeekkkkk!!!!!….. I’m officially letting go y’all! Breathe, trust, and see what happens

With these beauties by my side, there’s nothing we can’t conquer!
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas my darlings!!!
Make it a wonderfully wistful holiday season!




  1. You look great! The last few weeks before a wedding are so nerve wracking, so it's great to see you have such a fun group of women by your side!

  2. Such an inspiring post, Julie! You're lucky to have such good friends to go crazy with you & you always look so good, babe! xoxo

  3. A belated Merry christmas! Your gang looks so fab yet again all in shades of brown! How fun to have a cozy potluck! Christmas isn't a big deal here for most people but I did definitely take advantage of the sales!

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